Payne Whitney Gymasium

Payne Whitney Gymnasium

Located on Central Campus in New Haven, CT. Open to the Yale Community.

PWG Hours of Operation & Activity Schedules

Upcoming Closures & Adjusted Hours

View the Recreation Activity Space Schedules

PWG Recreation Activity Spaces include: Lanman Center, 5th Floor Recreation Activity Spaces, and 8th Floor Multipurpose Room. 

PWG Hours: Spring Recess 2025

Friday, March 7th - Sunday, March 23rd

Israel Fitness Center CLOSED for Facility Maintenance: Wednesday, March 19th

Space & Notes

Payne Whitney Gymnasium

(Includes Israel Fitness Center & Activity Spaces)

PWG Pools*
Recreation Lap Swim

(3rd Floor Practice Pool lanes currently setup in short course.)

Brady Squash Center

(Court space may be limited during certain days & times.)
Reserve a Squash Court

Wednesday, March 12th 6am - 8pm 11am - 1pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
12pm - 3pm &
5pm - 7pm
6pm - 7:30pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
Thursday, March 13th 6am - 8pm CLOSED 12pm - 3pm &
5pm - 7pm
Friday, March 14th 6am - 8pm 11am - 1pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
12pm - 2pm
6pm - 7:30pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
Saturday, March 15th 10am - 2pm 12pm-1:30pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
10:30am - 1:30pm
Sunday, March 16th 10am - 2pm TBD 10:30am - 1:30pm
Monday, March 17th 6am - 8pm TBD 12pm - 3pm &
5pm - 7pm
Tuesday, March 18th 6am - 8pm CLOSED 12pm - 3pm &
5pm - 7pm
Wednesday, March 19th

6am - 8pm

Israel Fitness Center CLOSED
for facility maintenance.

TBD 12pm - 3pm &
5pm - 7pm
Thursday, March 20th 6am - 8pm CLOSED 12pm - 3pm &
5pm - 7pm
Friday, March 21st 6am - 8pm TBD 12pm - 2pm
Saturday, March 22nd 10am - 2pm TBD 10:30am - 1:30pm
Sunday, March 23rd 10am - 2pm TBD 10:30am - 1:30pm
Monday, March 24th Resume Spring 2025 Standard Hours

*In the event required staffing cannot be met, lap lane availability will be reduced, or pools may be closed.

PWG Hours: Spring 2025

Below are the hours and schedules for Payne Whitney Gymnasium. 

Hours and schedules are subject to change without notice.

Doors to PWG close 15-minutes prior to scheduled closing time.  

Please see the section below for future closings and adjusted hours. 

Space & Notes

Payne Whitney Gymnasium

(Includes Israel Fitness Center & Activity Spaces)

PWG Pools
Recreation Lap Swim*

(3rd Floor Practice Pool lanes currently setup in short course.)

Brady Squash Center

(Court space may be limited during certain days & times.)
Reserve a Squash Court

Mondays 6am - 11pm 11am - 1pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
12pm - 3pm &
6:30pm - 8:30pm
6pm - 8pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
Tuesdays 6am - 11pm CLOSED 12pm - 3pm &
6:30pm - 10pm
Wednesdays 6am -11pm 11am - 1pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
12pm - 3pm &
6:30pm - 8:30pm
6pm - 8pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
Thursdays 6am - 11pm CLOSED 12pm - 3pm &
6:30pm - 10pm
Fridays 6am - 11pm 11am - 1pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
12pm - 2pm
6pm - 8pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
Saturdays 9am - 8pm 12pm - 2pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
1pm - 6pm
Sundays 9am - 8pm 12pm - 2pm
3rd Floor Practice Pool
1pm - 6pm

*In the event required staffing cannot be met, lap lane availability will be reduced, or pools may be closed.

Below are the future closings and adjusted hours for PWG.

Dates Anticipated Hours of Operation

Spring Recess

Friday, March 7th - Sunday, March 23rd

See Hours Above

The Israel Fitness Center may be closed for a one-day period during the recess for facility maintenance.  Date and Time TBA.

Good Friday
(University Designated Holiday)

Friday,  April 18th

PWG & all spaces within CLOSED

Yale Spring Fling

Saturday, April 26th

PWG Hours: TBA

Brady Squash Center: TBA

Rec Lap Swim: TBA

Final Exams

Thursday, May 1st - Wednesday, May 7th

PWG Hours
Monday - Friday: 6am-8pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am-2pm

Brady Squash Center: TBA

Rec Lap Swim: TBA

Summer Hours Begin

Thursday, May 8th

PWG Hours
Monday - Friday: 6am-8pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am-2pm

Brady Squash Center: TBA

Rec Lap Swim: TBA

University Commencement 

Monday, May 19th

PWG & all spaces within CLOSED

Memorial Day
(University Designated Holiday)

Monday, May 26th

PWG & all spaces within CLOSED

(University Designated Holiday)

Thursday, June 19th

PWG & all spaces within CLOSED

Independence Day
(University Designated Holiday)

Friday, July 4th

PWG & all spaces within CLOSED

Annual Facility Maintenance Closure 

August Dates TBA

PWG & all spaces within CLOSED

Schedule an appointment with our Membership Services Team.

PWG Membership Services operates by appointment only. PWG Membership Services typically offers appointments Tuesdays - Saturdays.