Club Sports Officer & Participant Information

Club Sports

Club Sports

Learn more about the William Clay Ford Club Sports Program 

Club Officer & Participant Information

Guidelines, Policies, How-to Guides, and important information to assist Club Officers and Participants. 

Definition, Participation, & Competition


A group of Yale University undergraduate students, voluntarily organized to pursue an athletic based competitive or recreational sport. Club Sports may fall into one of several categories:

  • Ultra Competitive 
  • Highly Competitive 
  • Moderately Competitive
  • Recreational
  • Instructional


An official Yale Club Sport is a recognized student organization reporting to the Department of Campus Recreation within the Division of Athletics at Yale University. 

Yale Club Sport Directory

Requests for additional Club Sports

Currently, the Department of Campus Recreation is not accepting any requests, solicitations, or petitions for additional teams or clubs. 

To be renew their official recognition each year, all Yale Club Sports must meet the following criteria:

  • End the year in good standing with the Department of Campus Recreation and University. (i.e. no major incidents or policy/procedural violations throughout the year)
  • Demonstrate a continued and vested interest by the participants (both officers and members) within the club to continue operations.  
  • Submission of the Club Re-recognition and Roster at the beginning of each academic year as well as updating active rosters as needed.  
  • If the Club Sport is required to have a coach, there must be either commitment from the coach to continue their role for the upcoming year or a plan from the club officers to recruit a new coach.
  • If the Club Sport is required to be a member of a national governing body/association or local conference/league, they must be within good standing with that organization or a plan from the club officers to transfer to another approved organization. 
  • Demonstrate timely and effective communication from their officers with Department of Campus Recreation throughout the year. (i.e. response to emails, active attendance at meetings, submission of forms, etc.)
  • Attendance and active participant at all required meetings and trainings by at least one club officer. 
  • Submission of an annual budget request to the Club Sport Advisory Board (CSAB) for review by the published deadline. (Typically, mid-October.) 
  • Submission of the Annual Report by the published deadline. (Typically, at the conclusion of the Academic Year.)
  • Submission of year-end expenditures and reimbursements by the published deadline.  (Typically, mid-April.)  
  • Review and submission of the Club Sport Constitution and Bylaws. (Typically, Club Officers are required review, revise, and resubmit at least every two years.)

Specific dates and deadlines will be sent to the Club Sport Officers via email.

Failure to meet any of the items outlined for re-recognition may result in the Club Sport being placed on probation or suspension for the following year. Continued failure may result in the derecognition of the Club Sport.   

Yale Student Participation

  • Participation in a Yale Club Sport is limited to current, degree seeking Yale University students only. 
  • Yale Club Sports are classified as an undergraduate student program; therefore, the graduate student participation of a club cannot exceed 33% of the club’s total roster/participation. 


  • The decision on whether to hold tryouts or have open rosters is up to the club officers each year based upon their constitution, participant interest, and resource limitations. 
  • The Department of Campus Recreation reserves the right to limit the size of club participation and rosters based upon resource limitations.

Club Officers & Leadership

  • As an undergraduate student program, club officers and leadership must be comprised of undergraduate students. Exemptions for the policy can be made in extenuating circumstances for up to one year. 
  • The leadership roles and club officer structure are specific to each club and based upon their club constitution. 
  • For more information about club leadership see the section on Club Constitutions.

Non-Yale Student Participation

  • Non-Yale students, i.e. community members, Yale Faculty/Staff, alumni, etc. cannot participate as an active member of a Yale Club Sport.
  • Yale Club Sport Alumni may participate in approved designated alumni competitions or events.  (Club Officers please review the process and guidelines for requesting an alumni event.)


All Yale Club Sports must provide equal opportunity for participation in the club regardless of race, color, age, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ancestry, national origin, or disability. Any club found to violate this policy will receive sanctions including but not limited to probation, suspension, or derecognition. 

All Yale Club Sport Participants must complete the Club Sport Waiver & User Agreement and Code of Conduct before they participate in a Yale Club Sport

A Club Sport Waiver & User Agreement must be completed for each sport in which the student is participating. 

Waiver & User Agreement and Code of Conduct must be completed each Academic Year.

Failure to complete Club Sport Waiver & User Agreement and Code of Conduct each year for each sport will result in individual suspension and loss of privileges for the Yale Club Sport. 

Participants who are 18 years of age and older:

View Club Sports Forms

Participants who are 17 years of age and younger:

View Club Sports Forms (Must be filled out by a Parent or Guardian)

Code of Conduct (Filled out by all who plan to participate):

View Club Sports Forms


  • Specific Club Sports may be required to have a coach and in some instances the coach may be required to hold specific certifications. Club Sports should confirm with the Department of Campus Recreation if their team is required to have a coach. 
  • Community members, Yale Faculty/Staff, alumni, etc. may serve as coaches to a Yale Club Sport. (Yale Faculty/Staff may not be eligible for paid coaching positions.) 
  • In some instances, a current Yale Student may serve as a coach. 
  • Teams may pursue additional support staff such as an athletic trainer or strength/conditioning coach. 
  • Hiring/onboarding a coaches/support staff
    • Prior to searching, advertising or soliciting a coach/support staff club officers must consult with and secure written approval from the Department of Campus Recreation. 
    • All coaches/support staff must be approved/interviewed by the Department of Campus Recreation prior to a Yale Club Sport extending an offer for employment or volunteer. 
    • All paid and volunteer coaches/support staff must complete and pass a background check issued by the University. 
    • This process can take up to several weeks to complete. A coach/support staff may not begin work in any capacity until this hiring, background check and onboarding process are complete.
  • Funding sources for coaches/support staff will vary based on each club. Funding must be secured prior to any coach/support staff receiving an official offer from the Department of Campus Recreation. 


  • Yale Faculty/Staff may serve as an advisor for a Yale Club Sport. 
  • Coach and advisor roles are limited to the practice/competition planning/strategy and not the overall operation of the club. Coaches or advisors may not serve as a Club Officer, nor will they be permitted to vote/dictate in any elections, club functions, or club constitutions. 

Membership in Governing Body or League

  • Some teams may require membership in a national governing body/association or local conference/league. The determination of required membership is based upon several factors including risk management, resources, accessibility to competition and will made by the Department of Campus Recreation and club officers. 
  • If a national governing body/association or local conference/league requires proof of enrollment or academic standing, they should contact the Department of Campus Recreation for verification. 


  • Yale Club Sports may compete against any officially recognized college or university club sport team. 
  • In some instances, Yale Club Sports may compete against a college or university varsity team. Unless otherwise dictated by a national governing body/association or local conference/league this is typically discouraged due to the disparity in resources and practice/preparation time.
  • Yale Club Sports may not compete against high school or local clubs that are not an officially recognized college or university. 
  • Best practice for all club officers is to seek guidance from the Department of Campus Recreation before scheduling competition when there is a question of competitive eligibility.

It is recommended that all Yale Club Sports develop, implement, and hold the following leadership positions. In some instances, there may be rationale to combine positions, share responsibilities, or add additional roles. 

  • President - Provides overall leadership for the club. Ideally this position should be a tenured member of the club with an overall understanding and historical knowledge of the club, operations, and finances. 
  • Vice President - Provides support to the president and assist with overall leadership. Ideally this position should be a tenured member of the club who may be the ideal candidate to replace the president upon graduation or absence. 
  • Secretary - Responsible for maintaining overall club records and information related to operations. Ensures information can be effectively passed to leadership each year. 
  • Treasurer - Responsible for maintaining financial records and updating club leadership on operating expenses on a continuous basis.  This position serves as the liaison between the Department of Campus Recreation and club participants for budget and expenditure related items (i.e. financial records, reimbursements, invoices, etc.)
  • Safety Officer - Responsible for ensuring all safety guidelines are met, including waivers are completed by all participants, attending safety trainings, ensuring events have adequate safety staff, etc. 

Other important roles are ensuring someone is responsible for travel arrangements, facility scheduling, and event management. 

The Department of Campus Recreation reserves the right to remove privileges, suspend, dismiss, or separate any Yale Club Sport Participant, Coach, or Staff for violations of university regulations, polices or procedures.  Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis based on the severity and circumstances of the incident(s), if needed consultation from the Deans/HOCs, YUAD Leadership, and Human Resources will also affect any decisions. 

Yale University Student Regulations

The Club Sport Advisory Board (CSAB) is a student group comprised of six to 10 representatives from Yale Club Sports, a student chairperson, and the Director of Club Sports. 

The role of the CSAB is annually review budget requests from and allocate funds to all Yale Club Sports.  Additionally, the CSAB serves as an advisory committee to the Department of Campus Recreation on club related issues. The CSAB does not dictate policy or procedures but does provide insight from the participant and officer perspective. 

CSAB positions are solicited and appointed on an annual basis. Any Yale undergraduate student who is an active Club Sport participant is eligible to be a member of the CSAB. Applications should be sent to the Chairperson of the Board after the annual notification call for members is announced. To ensure fairness, no CSAB member may act as a budget reader/reviewer or voter for their own club.

CSAB meetings are held each Fall for budget review and allocation and then held as needed thereafter. 

Health & Safety

Yale University strongly recommends that each participant receive a medical exam and clearance to participate from a healthcare provider prior participating in any Yale Club Sport, particularly for physically demanding or contact sports.

Yale University does not provide medical coverage for Yale Club Sport participants. All individuals are strongly encouraged to enroll in the Yale Health Plan membership. Yale University does not provide visiting/opponent club participants, who are competing within Yale facilities, medical coverage. 

If the Department of Campus Recreation receives information from Yale Health or a Dean /HOC about recent hospitalizations, surgery, chronic illness, debilitating conditions or other medical history that precludes athletic participation, which may make the individual ineligible for participation in a Yale Club Sport, that participant will be notified and removed from participation. 

First Aid Kits

Yale Club Sports may check-out a standard first aid kit from the Department of Campus Recreation prior to the home competition at the Yale Bowl Complex or an aways competition as some sites may not have publicly available kits. 


AEDs should be present at all home and away Yale Club Sport events. 

Upon arrival at a facility Yale Club Sport participants should familiarize themselves with the location of the nearest AED. 

Safety & Emergency Personnel

It is encouraged for all Yale Club Sports to have EMTs or Athletic Trainers present at all practices as well as home and away competitions

The following Yale Club Sports are required to have an EMT on site at all home competitions: Basketball (m’s), Equestrian, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey, Martial Arts, Pony Polo, Rugby, Soccer, Ultimate, and Wrestling.

All Yale Club Sports competing in water must have a certified lifeguard on site for all practices as well as home and away competitions. 

All Yale Club Sports competing in target shooting must have a certified coach on site for all practices as well as home and away competitions.  

What is a Concussion?

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells.

Prevention, Symptoms, and Reporting


Basic steps you can take to protect yourself from concussion:

  • Do not initiate contact with your head or helmet. You can still get a concussion if you are wearing a helmet.
  • Avoid striking an opponent in the head. Undercutting, flying elbows, stepping on a head, checking an unprotected opponent, and sticks to the head all cause concussions.
  • Practice good sportsmanship at all times.
  • Practice and perfect the skills of the sport.


You can’t see a concussion, but you might notice some of the symptoms right away. Other symptoms can show up hours or days after the injury. Concussion symptoms include: 

  • Amnesia.
  • Confusion.
  • Headache.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Balance problems or dizziness.
  • Double or fuzzy vision.
  • Sensitivity to light or noise.
  • Nausea (feeling that you might vomit).
  • Feeling sluggish, foggy or groggy.
  • Feeling unusually irritable.
  • Concentration or memory problems (forgetting game plays, facts, meeting times).
  • Slowed reaction time. 

Exercise or activities that involve a lot of concentration, such as studying, working on the computer, or playing video games may cause concussion symptoms (such as headache or tiredness) to reappear or get worse.

Reporting a Concussion

  • Don’t hide it. Remove yourself from play. 

    Alert your teammates, coach, on-site athletic trainer or EMT.  Never ignore a blow to the head. Also, tell your teammates, coach, on-site athletic trainer or EMT your teammates might have a concussion.
    Sports have injury timeouts and player substitutions so that you can get checked out.

  • Report it. 

    Do not return to participation in a game, practice or other activity with
    symptoms. The sooner you get checked out, the sooner you may be able to return to play. As with any injury within a Department of Campus Recreation sponsored activity a Club Officer should complete an Injury/Illness Report which can be found in our forms page.

  • Get checked out. 

    Your healthcare professional or an on-site athletic trainer or EMT
    can evaluate and determine if you have sustained a concussion. 

    Students are strongly recommended to seek immediate care from healthcare professional for suspected of confirmed concussion. 

    Yale Health Emergency and After-Hours Care

    Appointments via Yale Health.

    A concussion can affect your ability to perform everyday activities, your reaction time, balance, sleep and classroom performance.

  • Take time to recover. 

    Do not return to play until your healthcare professional approves you are ready to return.  

    If you have had a concussion, your brain needs time to heal. While your brain is still healing, you are much more likely to have a repeat concussion. In rare cases, repeat concussions can cause permanent brain damage, and even death. Severe brain injury can change your whole life.

For more information on concussions including prevention and symptoms:

If you or another Yale Club Sport participant sustain an injury, follow these general steps:

Removal from Play

  • As participation in Yale Club Sports is a voluntary activity, it is recommended that Yale Club Sport participants remove themselves or their teammates from play immediately after sustaining an injury to seek immediate or additional medical care. 
  • Coaches should exercise the same precaution and remove any injured Yale Club Sport participant from play immediately and assist them in seeking immediate care. 
  • No Yale Club Sport participant should receive any retaliation or feedback from removing themselves from play due to an injury. 

Seek Immediate Care

  • For minor injuries immediate care may be as simple as seeking someone with first-aid training or seeking on-site athletic trainer or EMT during competitions.
  • For major injuries or life-threatening conditions/symptoms you may need to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. 
  • When competing in a Yale facility, 9-1-1 is the best method to contact emergency services.
  • Do not transport an individual with major injuries. Call 9-1-1 and seek guidance from emergency services.  If competition is at Yale facility, Yale University Police (203-432-4400) may be able to assist transporting an individual with minor injuries to Yale Health. 

Complete an Injury/Illness Report

  • All injuries or illness during scheduled Yale Club Sport practices or competitions must be reported to the Department of Campus Recreation via an Injury/Illness Report found on our forms page
  • The individual completing the injury report should be a Yale Club Sport participant or a Department of Campus Recreation Staff and include only the basic information such as the injured person’s name, contact information, facility at which the injury occurred, location of the injury, and nature of the injury. 

Contacting Families of Yale Club Sport Participants

  • Unless provided direct, verbal approval by the individual sustaining the injury, other Yale Club Sport participants, coaches, or staff may not contact the family of the individual sustaining the injury.
  • In the event the individual sustaining the injury is unable to contact their family due to loss of conscious, major injury or other reasons, etc. contact the Department of Campus Recreation immediately. They will work with the Yale College Dean’s Office to contact the family of the individual sustaining the injury.

Seek Additional Care (if needed)

Seek Approval for Return to Play

  • After any additional care, it is recommended that the individual seek guidance on if and when they should return to play from their healthcare provider. 
  • Yale University does not reimburse any physical therapy, athletic training, or medical fees to assist or permit a Yale Club Sport participant to return to play. 

Follow the basic steps for a medical emergency. 

Check the Scene for Safety

  • Do not enter a location if there are any unsafe or dangerous conditions present. 
  • If, at any time, conditions become unsafe or hazardous exit the area immediately and call 911.  (examples of hazardous conditions: fire, chemical spill, exposed electrical wires, strange odors, criminal activity, etc.)    

Call 911 or the local emergency number.

  • Call 9-1-1 immediately for any life-threatening or major medical conditions as well as any situations that present an immediate or imminent threat to safety of your or others.
  • Provide the following information:
    • Address: example “Payne Whitney Gym. 70 Tower Parkway, New Haven. Please use the main entrance.”
    • Location: example “I am in the Lanman Center located on the first floor of Payne Whitney Gym.”  
    • Description of Emergency: example “Someone is in distress and needs medical assistance.” 
    • Names: Provide your name and name(s) of individual that needs assistance (if known).
    • Follow additional instructions as provided by the 9-1-1 Operator.   

Retrieve AED and/or First Aid Kit (if necessary)

  • If possible, send someone to retrieve the nearest AED and/or First Aid Kit. 
  • If you are alone, you should retrieve the AED and/or First Aid Kit.    
  • AED Locations at PWG
    • Basement: Outside Kiphuth Exhibition Pool & Basement Hallway
    • 1st Floor: Main Lobby (Behind Welcome Desk) & Lanman Center Concourse
    • 3rd Floor: 3rd Floor Hallway (Outside 3rd Floor Practice Pool)
    • 4th Floor: Israel Fitness Center (Behind Operations Desk)
    • 5th Floor: Main Hallway        
    • 8th Floor: Main Hallway    
  • First Aid Kit Locations at PWG
    • PWG Welcome Desk
    • Israel Fitness Center 
    • Pool Lifeguard Stations

Provide Care (if necessary)

  • If trained and certified to do so, provide care for the conditions you find. 
  • Use personal protective equipment (i.e. nitrile gloves and breathing barriers) and obtain consent.
  • Unless conditions become unsafe, remain with individual until EMS arrive.    
  • If trained and certified to do so, provide care for the conditions you find. 

Alert Staff & Wait for EMS to Arrive    

  • Inform nearest staff member.
  • If possible, have someone meet EMS and escort them to the location. 

Communicate with Department of Campus Recreation

  • Connect with Department of Campus Recreation team via cell phone.  
  • Complete Injury/Illness Report found on our forms page.


All emergencies will have unique circumstances. In general, Yale Club Sport participants can follow these basic steps and guidelines listed below. 

Please seek guidance and contact the Department of Campus Recreation for additional information during or after any emergency. 

When traveling to an away competition it is recommended Yale Club Sport Participants seek the emergency action plan for their host facility. 


To prevent impact or hazard of weather-related emergencies, the Department of Campus Recreation will monitor weather conditions in the days leading to all practices and competitions. Practices and competitions as well as travel may be cancelled or adjusted. Club officers will be notified and updated as forecasts solidify. The decision to adjust or cancel will be made by the Department of Campus Recreation with consultation from several other Yale groups including Emergency Management, Risk Management, and Grounds/Facility Maintenance. 

Unanticipated Severe Weather

If a Yale Club Sport is competing outdoors and severe weather approaches, participants, and spectators should seek the nearest shelter immediately. Dugouts, sheds, and other small shelters are not appropriate. Participants should seek buildings of vehicles. 


In instances of lighting/thunder, play can resume 30-minutes after the last thunder/lightning strike.  For more information on lightning/thunder please see National Weather Service Guidelines.


In instances of a tornado, follow these guidelines.

  • Stay Weather-Ready: Continue to listen to local news or a NOAA Weather Radio or local weather via a weather app to stay updated about tornado watches and warnings.
  • At Your House: If you are in a tornado warning, go to your basement, safe room, or an interior room away from windows. Don’t forget pets if time allows.
  • At Your Workplace or School: Follow your tornado drill and proceed to your tornado shelter location quickly and calmly. Stay away from windows and do not go to large open rooms such as cafeterias, gymnasiums, or auditoriums.
  • Outside: Seek shelter inside a sturdy building immediately if a tornado is approaching. Sheds and storage facilities are not safe. Neither is a mobile home or tent.  If you have time, get to a safe building.
  • In a vehicle: Being in a vehicle during a tornado is not safe. The best course of action is to drive to the closest shelter. If you are unable to make it to a safe shelter, either get down in your car and cover your head, or abandon your car and seek shelter in a low lying area such as a ditch or ravine.

Additional Information

Additional resources and safety tips can be found at National Weather Service.

Facility Safety Hazard or Issues

Yale Club Participants have a part in ensuring that facilities are free from safety hazards. 

Prior to any competition or practice, participants should visually scan the area of play and look for the following:

  • Broken glass
  • Obstructions or obstacles on the playing surface (i.e. holes in a field)
  • Standing water on courts
  • Any other elements or scenarios which could lead to an injury

If there are any safety hazards or issues to not start or resume play until it has been resolved. 

Yale Facilities

If on Yale’s campus report any safety hazards or issues immediately to the Department of Campus Recreation staff member. 

Away or Off-Site Locations

If you are competing/practicing in an away event or an off-site location report any safety hazards or issues to the facility manager or to the leadership of the host club. 


  • Move towards the nearest exit
  • Use the stairwell, do not use the elevator
  • Do not attempt to extinguish the fire
  • Pull handle on Fire Alarm Pull Station, then Call 911 

In-Progress or Imminent Risk of Safety or Harm

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Any issue/scenario where someone is in imminent danger or fears for their safety
  • Verbal, nonverbal, or written threats or intimidation
  • Sexual assault/violence 
  • Violence
  • Harassment
  • Hostility 
  • Expressions of a plan for someone to hurt themselves or others
  • Robberies, thefts, assaults, or acts of vandalism which are currently in-progress.

Call for Immediate Assistance: Call 911 or the local emergency number or Press the RED BUTTON on Yale emergency phone. Follow directions and instructions as provided by the dispatcher.

Active Shooter

The information within this section is provide by Yale Emergency Management and is divided into the following sections:


  • Be aware of your surroundings!
  • Notice the location of exits. Whether you are in a familiar building or visiting a building on campus, always look for multiple ways out.
  • Shelter in place. Think of where you would take cover or hide if you could not leave the building and how you would keep an assailant out of your area.
  • Review and update your contact information for Yale ALERT at
    Save the Yale ALERT number (203-432-5830) on your phone and assign it a special ringtone.
  • Think of what you might need (food, water, and medication) if you have to stay in one location for an extended period of time. In a situation like an active shooter, the
  • University may call for a campus-wide lockdown that may last many hours.


Situations happen quickly, and you must think fast about what you need to do to get yourself and others to safety.

  • Location: Where are you in relation to the incident?
  • Are you where the incident is taking place, near it, outside, across campus? Your location affects your choices.
  • Is it safe to evacuate?
  • Where would I shelter in place?
  • If my life depended on it, would I take aggressive action against the shooter?
  • What can I use to defend myself?


  • Evacuate; or shelter in place; or, as a last resort, take aggressive action against the shooter.
  • Call 911 when it is safe to do so.
  • If indoors: stay where you are if you are being asked to shelter in place; find a safe location, lock the doors, and stay away from windows.
  • If outdoors: move away from the affected area. Yale buildings will likely be on lockdown.
  • If you have ID card access, you can get inside, or you can find an open business or go to your car.
  • If on Yale’s campus and you are across campus from the emergency: stay away from the affected area and follow the instructions provided to you through Yale ALERT.
  • Trust your judgment.

The consumption, use, or possession of alcohol, non-prescribed drugs, or other controlled substances while participating in any Yale Club Sport sponsored activities including practices, competitions, and travel is prohibited.

Yale Club Sport participants, who of legal age, may consume alcohol during officially recognized social events where there is a certified bartender.  

Yale College strictly prohibits any form of hazing, including hazing in connection with team bonding activities or other team-related activities.  When warranted, Yale will take appropriate disciplinary action against an athletic team, its leadership, and any individuals directly involved in acts of hazing. Hazing includes any action that violates Connecticut hazing law (CT General Statute, Section 53-23a, Hazing) as well as additional violations spelled out in the Yale College Undergraduate Regulations (Offenses, V. Hazing).  Yale Club Sport Participants should carefully review their responsibilities under Connecticut law and the Regulations and bring any questions or concerns to the attention of the Dean’s Office.

Yale Club Sports follows the guidelines and polices set forth by the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC). 

Any person who believes they may have experienced sexual misconduct may also contact the SHARE Center, the Deputy Title IX Coordinators, the Yale Police Department, or the New Haven Police Department.  For detailed information on all of Yale’s services, including resources, filing an informal complaint, and mechanisms for victims of sexual misconduct, please consult The Title IX at Yale website.

Practices, Competitions, & Travel

Yale Club Sport participants are expected to treat opposing club sport participants, coaches, officials, staff, and spectators with respect and refrain from taunting, baiting of opponents, or other negative behaviors directed towards the opposition, officials, or other attendees of the competition. Yale Club Sport participants must honor the responsibilities that accompany the privilege of representing the university by behaving in a manner that reflects positively upon themselves, their team, and Yale.

What is In-Region Travel?

In-Region travel refers to any organized team or university sponsored travel to an away competition or off-site practice by a Yale Club Sport Participant within 200 miles (each way) of Yale. 

If you are using University funds, competing, or practicing under the name of a Yale Club Sport, this is considered organized team or university-sponsored travel and must be approved by the Department of Campus Recreation. 

Please note: Any non-approved travel will result in suspension and loss or privileges for both the Yale Club Sport and the participant(s) responsible. Any expenses associated with non-approved travel will not be eligible for reimbursement. 

Typically, any travel to the other Ivy League institutions, or within the northeastern region (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, part of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland) is considered in-region.

When to submit a Travel Request Form?

Typically, one to two weeks’ notice prior to the date of travel is required for all In-Region Travel approvals. If a Travel Request Form is submitted within less than one week of departure, travel may not be approved. 

What to Consider?

Before submitting a Travel Request Form, consider and plan for the following: 

  • Where are you traveling to and how long will it take?
  • How will you get there? i.e. personal vehicles, chartered bus, train, Zipcar or Uber/Lyft?
  • If you are using personal vehicles, do you have enough participants who are certified drivers? All certified drivers need to complete the Yale Driver’s Awareness Class and the Club Sport Driver’s Form.
  • Will you be staying overnight? 
  • If you are staying overnight, what accommodations do you need? i.e. hotel, AirBnB, staying with a participant’s family?
  • How are you funding the travel? 

How will you know if your Travel Request Form is Approved?

You will receive an email notification with information on approval, denial, or request for additional information within 2-3 business days of submitting the Travel Request Form. 

Submit a Travel Request Form

View Club Sports Forms

What is Out of Region Travel?

Out of Region travel refers to any organized team or university sponsored travel to an away competition or off-site practice by a Yale Club Sport Participant in the United States more than 200 miles (each way) of Yale. 

If you are using University funds, competing, or practicing under the name of a Yale Club Sport, this is considered organized team or university-sponsored travel and must be approved by the Department of Campus Recreation. 

Please note: Any non-approved travel will result in suspension and loss or privileges for both the Yale Club Sport and the participant(s) responsible. Any expenses associated with non-approved travel will not be eligible for reimbursement. 

When to submit a Travel Request Form?

Typically, three to four weeks’ notice prior to the date of travel is required for all Out of Region Travel approvals. If a Travel Request Form is submitted within less than three weeks of departure, travel may not be approved. 

What to Consider?

Before submitting a Travel Request Form, consider and plan for the following: 

  • Where are you traveling to and how long will it take?
  • How will you get there? i.e. flights, train, personal vehicles, bus, etc.?
  • If you are using personal vehicles, do you have enough participants who are certified drivers? All certified drivers need to complete the Yale Driver’s Awareness Class and the Club Sport Driver’s Form.
  • What are you plans for overnight accommodations? i.e. hotel, AirBnB, staying with a participant’s family?
  • How are you funding the travel? 

How will you know if your Travel Request Form is Approved?

You will receive an email notification with information on approval, denial, or request for additional information within 2-3 business days of submitting the Travel Request Form. 

Submit a Travel Request Form

View Club Sports Forms

What is International Travel?

International travel refers to any organized team or university sponsored travel to an away competition or off-site practice by a Yale Club Sport Participant outside of the United States.

If you are using University funds, competing, or practicing under the name of a Yale Club Sport, this is considered organized team or university-sponsored travel and must be approved by the Department of Campus Recreation. 

Please note: Any non-approved travel will result in suspension and loss or privileges for both the Yale Club Sport and the participant(s) responsible. Any expenses associated with non-approved travel will not be eligible for reimbursement. 

When to submit a Travel Request Form?

Typically, international travel approvals can take several months to approve as there are contracts, university forms, waivers, etc. which will need to be reviewed and completed by various university departments. 

Before beginning any planning or submission for approval for International Travel, please make an appointment with the Director of Club Sports. In this meeting, please be prepared to discuss your initial thoughts including destination, funding sources, and rationale for international travel. Please note there are no university funding sources to subsidize international travel and all expenses will need to come from fundraising or individuals. 

Resources & Requirements

If a Yale Club Sport is approved for international travel by the Department of Campus Recreation they will need to review and complete all steps in the International Toolkit before departure. 

Depending on the nature or distance of travel, some trips may require a Leader or Adult Supervisory Contact. (i.e. a paid or volunteer individual who is coach, staff member, alumnus, chaperone, graduate student, parent, etc.).  Decisions on supervision will be made during the travel approval process. 

  • Leaders and volunteers may not share a bedroom or other sleeping accommodations with undergraduates. 
  • Under no circumstances should leaders and volunteers provide alcohol to or consume alcohol with anyone who is under the legal drinking age.  
  • Leaders and volunteers are discouraged from consuming alcohol with undergraduates who are of legal drinking age. 
  • Leaders are subject to all policies that govern their conduct while on the Yale campus.

What spaces can a Club Sport request/utilize for practice? 

Yale Athletics & Recreational Facilities

Club Sports may request space within Payne Whitney Gymnasium (PWG) or the Yale Bowl Complex (YBC). Some varsity venues are off-limits to Club Sports and others may be used on a case-by-case basis. All recreational spaces within PWG and the YBC are available for request, however times and durations will be determined by priority and impact to/from other events/activities.

Each semester a general call for ongoing practice requests will come from the Department of Campus Recreation. For Fall, the call for requests will come in mid-August, for Spring, the call for requests will come in early December. 

Club Sports Space Request: Recurring/One-Time Practices & Single Opponent Competition

Club Sports may also submit one-time requests for when additional or makeup practice time is needed due to severe climate weather, upcoming competitions, etc. One-time requests will be reviewed after all semester requests have been complete. 

Club Sports Space Request: Recurring/One-Time Practices & Single Opponent Competition


Club Officers can view Recreational Spaces for PWG and the Yale Field schedules via the links below.  

Please note that the schedules are to be used as a guide when requesting space as other factors may limit the use of space, including adjacent programming, facility maintenance, etc. Club Officers must submit space requests and await confirmation from the Department of Campus Recreation before announcing dates/times/locations with their participants and visiting teams.  

PWG REC Activity Space Schedule

PWG Pool Schedule

Brady Squash Center Schedule

Rec Field Schedule

Off-Site (Non-Yale) Facilities

Club Sports may seek rental space at off-site locations. Off-site locations are considered travel and will need to be approved. Additionally, any contracts or payments will need to be approved and completed by the Department of Campus Recreation. 

View Club Sports Forms

What spaces can a Club Sport request/utilize for competitions? 

Club Sports may request space within Payne Whitney Gymnasium (PWG) or the Yale Bowl Complex (YBC). Some varsity venues are off-limits to Club Sports and others may be used on a case-by-case basis. All recreational spaces within PWG and the YBC are available for request, however times and durations will be determined by priority and impact to/from other events/activities.

Club Sports may seek rental space at off-site locations. Off-site locations are considered travel and will need to be approved. Additionally, any contracts or payments will need to be approved and completed by the Department of Campus Recreation. 

Typically, one to two weeks’ notice prior to the date of competition is required for all approvals. As all space is at a premium it is highly recommended Club Sports submit Competition Requests From as early as possible. 

View Club Sports Forms

If a Club Sports Participant wishes to use their personal vehicle or drive a vehicle for travel (away competition or off-site practice) they must complete the university’s Driver’s Aware Class and the Club Sport Approve Driver’s Form.

Step 1: Contact your Club Officier (or Leigh Fitzpatrick) for club specific information required to register for class.  Information you will need Business Office Contact and your team specific COA. If your Club Officier is unsure of this information, please contact  Leigh Fitzpatrick

Step 2: Complete the Driver’s Awareness Class (required before you can fill out a Driver’s Form)
The online class about driving safety is managed through Fleet Management. The online course takes 30-45 minutes to complete. You only need to take this class once every four years.

Step 3: Complete the Club Sport Driver Verification Form (View Club Sports Forms) 
This needs to be completed every year before you begin driving.

Buses are the preferred method of transportation for Club Sport Travel. However, due to cost, distance, and size of travel roster may be impractical.

If a Club Sport prefers to utilize a bus for travel, please read the information below before completing the Bus Request Form.

  • Funding allocation for buses will be decided after the quote is received from the vendor. (There is limited funding available from the Department of Campus Recreation to subsidize bus travel.)
  • The travel party must be 15 individuals (participants and coaches) or larger. 
  • Travel must be at least 200 miles one way or four hours each way.
  • Once confirmed, if a Club Sport cancels their bus trip within five days of departure the Club Sport will be responsible for any cancellation fees from the vendor. 
  • A Travel Request Form must accompany any Bus Request Form.

View Club Sports Forms

Reading Periods & Final Exams

Typically, most programs will cease operations within 48 hours of Yale College Final Exams. Clubs may elect to practice or compete during reading periods, but participation cannot be required. 

In special circumstances (i.e. national tournaments/championships), travel will be approved during final exams; however, there is an approval process with the Yale College Deans Office. If a Yale Club Sport would like to request travel during final exam periods, please email the Director of Club Sports. 


When Yale College is in recess, most programs will cease operations. Clubs may elect to practice during the following recesses: Fall Recess, Winter Recess and Spring Recess. Facility scheduling will be dependent on operational hours and available resources. 

In special circumstances (i.e. national tournaments/championships), travel will be approved during Summer Recess; however, there is an approval process. If a Yale Club Sport would like to request travel during final exam periods, please email the Director of Club Sports. Requests should be submitted at least one month in advance. 

Financial Information & Treasurer Forms

Only Club Treasurers may request reimbursement for expenses related to the operation and mission of a Club Sport. Reimbursements will be expensed (charged to) from the Club Sport’s team budget/allocation.

Reimbursement requests can be made for the following expenses:

  • Travel Expenses (team meals, transportation, lodging) 
  • Team Apparel & Equipment
  • Entry fees for competitions (travel to competition must be approved before reimbursement is submitted)
  • Other expenses related to the direct operation and mission of the Club Sport. 

Reimbursement requests cannot be made for the following expenses:

  • Loyalty programs, rewards, credits, air miles, and gift cards are not reimbursable.
  • Payments/compensation for referees, officials or any other individuals are not reimbursable Please see the Payments for Coaches, Support Staff, and Officials section for more information.

It is always best practice to ask before you complete a purchase to ensure it is eligible for reimbursement. If you have a question, please email the Leigh Fitzpatrick 

All reimbursements will be deducted from your Club’s funds/budget.

It is recommended there International Students do not serve as Club Treasurers as there is withholding penalty for all reimbursements. If an international student completes a receives a reimbursement they will receive a 1040 form and may be able to recoup the reimbursement. International Students should consult the Tax Office for more information. 


Step 1: Download and Complete the Reimbursement Form

Step 2: STOP and read the following information BEFORE you complete and send the Reimbursement Form and Receipts. (Trust Us, this will save everyone time and frustration.)

  • Email Subject Line: [Club Name], Reimburse: [Type or reason for reimbursement] 
    (i.e., Men’s Club Volleyball, Reimbursement: Equipment)
  • Convert the receipt to a .pdf, name it, and attach to the email. Do not use screen shots.
  • Separate each receipt in an individual file, do not send multiple receipts as the same .pdf file.  
  • All reimbursement requests must have the original receipt and/or the Google map directions which show mileage. 
  • All receipts and reimbursement requests need to be submitted within 75 day of the transaction. All end of year reimbursement requests must be submitted by May 1st. There are no exceptions to the policy. 
  • The university requires Proof of Payment for all reimbursement requests. They require invoices or receipts to show the last four digits of the debit/credit card used. If the invoices or receipts do not show the last four digits of the debit/credit card used they will require a bank statements to confirm payment. Bank statements do not replace the invoice or receipt. 
  • Cash Payments require a detailed receipt from the organization hosting the event. Receipt must include contact name, phone, and email. Cash payments are highly discouraged. 
  • Check Payments require the check deposit to be processed by your bank and the images of the front and back of the check from your bank statement. 
  • Paypal/Venmo Payments require the original invoice and receipt from the payment provider with the individual credit card information. 
  • Hotel Payments require the folio which includes the breakdown of charges (i.e. room charge, tax, etc.) with the individual credit card information. The folio can be obtained from the hotel lobby desk at check-out. 
  • Rideshare Payments require receipts require start/finish addresses with the individual credit card information. Receipts need to be in english. Typically Rideshare Payments only show a first name, please list the full name in the Reimbursement Form. 
  • Reimbursements for Personal Vehicles requires the Google map directions which show mileage. Only mileage is reimbursed for personal vehicles, gas and EV charges are not reimbursed.  The current rate for mileage rate can be found here
  • Reimbursements for Rental Cars requires invoices or receipts to show the last four digits of the debit/credit card used. Gasoline for rental cars is reimbursable.  When renting cars do not accept any add-on fees, examples include:
    • LIS (Liability Insurance)
    • LDW (loss Damage Waiver)
    • PAI (personal accident insurance)
    • PEC (personal effects coverage)
    • Different companies use different terms – please be aware.
    • Do not use the gas/refuel service as it can be costly.

Step 3:  Email the Completed Reimbursement Form and Receipts to Leigh Fitzpatrick

Step 4: Once submitted, an Expense Report will be created in Workday. You will receive an email after the Expense Report is created in Workday from Leigh Fitzpatrick or Club Sports.

Step 5: You will need to log into Workday and approve the reimbursement. Under Inbox, Expenses, Click Approve and Done. 

Step 6: The Finance Department will then review and approve or reject the reimbursement.  Rejections typically happen when the required information is not provided or not complete.

Step 7: Once approved the funds will appear either via Direct Deposit or via check. 

Yale Club Sport Participants, Coaches, or Officers as well as Department of Campus Recreation Staff cannot sign, execute, or negotiate any contracts or service agreements. 

If a Club Sport requires a signature, execution, or negation for any contracts or service agreements, please email the Director of Club Sports for more information. 

Contracts or service agreements will not be executed without or before all approved fees or payments are available within the Club Sports’ Yale owned budget/allocation/account. 

The University does not provide Yale Club Sports with bank accounts. In the event that a Yale Club Sport is in need of opening a bank account, Yale encourages Club Sports to open accounts at local banks that do not assess service fees.

The decision to require and accept dues is at discretion of the Club Sport Officers. It is recommended that Club Sports assess dues to subsidize the operational expenses for the Club Sport. As per CSAB guidelines, a Club Sport’s failure to collect dues will result in a reduction from their Ford Endowment allocation. 

Coaches & Support Staff

Payments for all coaches and support staff will be completed via the Yale systems (Workday or Student Employment) to all officially recognized and approved individuals. If a coach or support staff has not been approved by the Department of Campus Recreation they will not be paid for retro-active services. 


Depending on the league or conference, officials may either be paid by the league/conference or the team hosting the competition. Please check with your league/conference, opposing team, and officials on the payment process. 

Do not pay/compensate referees, officials or any other individuals directly as those payments are not reimbursable. 

Please gather the individual’s contact information (name/address/phone # or e-mail) and have them fill out and sign a federal W-9 (revision date 2024). 

You will also need email information detailing payment amount and purpose (i.e. pay Ref B. Smith $75 for working 1 lax game on March 1st). The payment will be a check mailed to the individual after the event. You will need to warn the individual ahead of time that the check will arrive in a few weeks. Feel free to provide the contact information for Club Sports. Please turn in the information ahead of the games if possible – this can make the whole payment process go a little faster. The university has withholding as well as state and federal wage reporting requirements for payments to individuals for services rendered.  

One of the most impactful ways Alumni, parents, family, friends, and supporters can assist a Club Sport is to make a gift to a Club Sport. For more information and to make a gift, please visit the Support Club Sports page.

Thanks to generosity of William Clay Ford ‘48, the Club Sports program is subsidized by the William Clay Ford Endowment. Each year the Club Sport Advisory Board (CSAB) accepts budget requests and allocates a portion of the endowment to support our Club Sport teams and their participants.

Budget requests are typically due in early Fall and allocations are provided in mid to late Fall.

Teams are permitted to spend up to 50% of their previous year’s allocation before the current year’s allocation is approved by the CSAB.

Other Club Sport Policies and Guidelines

Use of the Yale “Y” (aka primary logo) and “Yale” (aka primary word mark logo or legacy word mark logo) are copyrighted trademarks of Yale University with specific guidelines and policies for use in print, apparel, marketing, or social media. 


  • Alteration, overlap, imposition in front or behind by a shape, ratio, color, object, etc. of the Y, Yale or Yale Club Sport without approval from the Department of Campus Recreation.
  • Use of the Y, Yale or Yale Club Sport branding with any sponsors, brands, organizations, etc. without written approval from the Department of Campus Recreation.
  • Use of the Y, Yale or Yale Club Sport branding with any images with alcohol, tobacco, drug, vape products, weapons or firearms.
  • Use of any retired Y, Yale or Yale Club Sport branding including the “Bulldog Y”.

General Guidelines

  • Use of the Y, Yale or Yale Club Sport branding must be in the official Yale colors,
  • Serifa is the preferred slab-serif choice and is primarily used for programs and departments within Yale Athletics, including Yale Club Sports. 
  • The word “club” must be present before or after the sport, even if there is no varsity team for that sport. Examples of acceptable formats include: “Yale Womens Rugby Club”, “Club Ice Hockey”, “Yale Club Baseball”. Examples of unacceptable formats include “Yale Jump Rope”, “Yale Ski”, “Triathlon at Yale”.

It is best practice to always check with the Department of Campus Recreation before placing any orders for print materials, apparel, or social media/website design before using any trademarked logos. Failure to obtain approval and insight may cause items/graphics to be delayed, denied, non-reimbursable, returned or unusable. 

All apparel order must follow the Branding Guidelines as mentioned above. 

More information and links coming soon.

Yale Club Sports follows the Yale policy on unmanned aerial systems, which are prohibited unless approved Health & Safety Department and the Office of Risk Management. Requests for use of drones for Yale Club Sports practice and competitions is typically denied. 

Contact the Club Sports Team

  • Leigh Ann Fitzpatrick

    Outdoor Education Center & Club Sports
    Contact Leigh for Club Sports space requests, reimbursements, and general questions about OEC group and overnight rentals.
  • Tom Migdalski

    Outdoor Education Center, Club Sports, & Undergraduate Intramurals
    Contact Tom for questions related to the operations of the Outdoor Education Center, Club Sports, or Undergraduate Intramurals.